Thank you so much for taking the time to complete those additional questions.

Please keep in mind that we MAY be reaching out to you if any additional information is needed.

The more we know, the better prepared we will be to help your child reach their excellence!

What happens next?

Download Zoom

This is the platform we use for our sessions. Here’s the link to download Zoom on your computer;

Test Zoom Meeting

Once downloaded, open a test meeting to ensure audio and video are working;

Schedule Zoom Setup

Schedule a day/time that works best to go over more advanced tools. This will ensure the introductory sessions aren’t wasted on technical issues.
Calendar Link;

Schedule Introduction Tutoring Sessions

Once the Zoom setup is SCHEDULED, our director of tutoring services, Diana, will get you into contact with the tutor that will be working with y’all.


Each of our tutors are handpicked, special education experts. Be present during the initial sessions; however, please allow them to do what they do best 🙂 Interruptions tend to slow down results. So, please refrain from “jumping in” the sessions unless it’s extremely important.

Discuss A Future Plan

After the initial introductory sessions, we will get on the phone to discuss if this type of program makes sense for your family. If so, we will discuss an appropriate program based on the results submitted by the special education expert.

Thank you again!

Think Differently About Education.

We Believe...

All children are born with the innate ability to reach their OWN excellence.

That a growing group of children don’t fully prosper in overpopulated classrooms.

Through technology and one on one learning, their future path to success can be made clear again.